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A Tempting Dive Into Nature...

Both my parents founded their own businesses. My Mum founded an IT consultancy business and my Dad founded his own mechanical engineering company. They both have given me good genes, inclusive of self-belief, confidence and passion for life.

We all have a lot of talents in common. Mum has a bubbly vibrant lively personality, has always been a keen athlete, and creative - she has a real passion for interior design, trampolining, nature, reading, cooking, sewing, fashion, gardening, hair, baking... The list goes on for quite some time...

Mum has always encouraged me to try new things, leading to my love of fashion, sport, dance, gymnastics and acrobatics. She also introduced me to languages. I have a real love of travel as a result. Mum introduced me to lots of genres of books, and music. She and Jazz led me to become a flutist. Today, I am looking for other instruments to play...

Mum has always encouraged me to try different foods, she pushes me to be the best that I can be. It was she that motivated me to compete in Young Chef of the Year, and I remain a keen cook today. I have now followed in both of my parents footsteps as a business founder. I respect both of my parents greatly.

Serena X

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